Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Rite Weight

While on hold with my pharmacy I heard that they had a free online diet plan called Rite Weight. I googled it, signed up and am now following it. This eating plan is VERY similiar to 2 other plans that I followed and had great success. The only difference is this one I don't have to spend thousands of dollars to use. Also, one very noticiable difference is that I won't have support group meetings. That's where this blog and my dear friends will come in handy. Keep encouraging me.

Last night I bought groceries that are on this plan and today I am up and running. I still need to buy a scale but I will do that soon. If anyone wants to join me on this plan I'd LOVE the company. I called my family last night and asked some of them to join. They are all committed to support me and are all on weight loss journey's of their own but I don't think any of them are going to go with this exact plan.

Please say prayers for Joe. He's got some of the winter blues. He hates this weather. Please pray winter is short this year and that his blues are shorter. Happy 2010!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I can't believe that tonight it will be ten years since I stood on a hill overlooking the lights of Scranton and told God," Please send my husband. I don't want to be single anymore." I will be married ten years this July!

This year I'm going to say," Please Lord I want to be healthy. Please end my desire to eat the wrong foods and cause myself pain. I don't want to be unhealthy any more." Those of you who know me know that this is a life long battle for me. This new year I am starting over. I may be starting over at other points in the year or maybe next year I'll pray the same prayer. But I am not giving up!

In 2000 I was about to turn thirty. I decided to date thirty guys by my thirtieth birthday. Joe was lucky number 21. This year I want to lose forty pounds by my fortieth birthday. I have signed up for Lance Armstrong's Livestrong Website. I will start with that and improvise along the way.

God Bless you all. Happy New Year.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Frustration abounds!

Okay finding out that I had diverticulitis was a relief! I can't tell you how many nights I woke up in severe pain and wondering what this was. I am glad I now know. However, what do I eat? All the things that are good for me diet wise are not good for the problems I am experiencing. I ate an apple two days ago and had a lot of pain a few hours later. Berries, nuts, whole grains, raw vegetables are all out of the question right now. I haven't lost any more weight. I think I need a nutritionist. It was easier to eat healthy when I could substitute it with a great piece of fruit or some crunch veggies. So to the three people who read my blog. Any ideas?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ahhh! So that's the problem! ( I hope)

I lost another three pounds. I'm reading a book by the FLYLady called Body Clutter. I'm working on putting those principles in my life.

So I have been having abdominal pain of and on over the last few months. Yesterday it came close to unbearable. I have been diagnosed with diverticulitis and I have some infection as evidenced by my low grade temperature, high blood sugar, and blood work. Some antibiotics and a lack of nuts and seeds and I should be back to my old self.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The weight loss has stalled I've neither gained or lost in the last two weeks. I need to rethink my game plan. I'm a little bummed but I'll figure it out. I secretly wanted to be 20 pounds thinner for Easter. Oh well!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I've got my (diet) Orange Crush

This week I've lost another 3 lbs. Yay! The blood pressure is normal. My blood sugar is still up and down but I've had several normal readings and several close to normal readings. I also still have a kidney infection so that may be part of the problem.

My new little treat is Diet Orange Crush. YUM! I go through a 2 liter in a week and a half so it's not a dietary staple. Just a little somethin' somethin' when I need a little sweet. Another neat thing I've picked up is Light Progresso soup and Dannon Light Probiotic Yogurt. If you know of coupons for these items let me know. I've also been introduced to rice vinegar as dressing. I love it!

I live for your comments it's great to have all of your support. Catch ya next Tuesday!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Diet Consists of Foods that make you Rich

Today's title comes from a fortune cookie I got this week.( NO. I didn't eat it. YES. I went to a restaurant. NO. I didn't cheat.)

I really liked that little bit of cookie wisdom. Let me tell you my diet has not made me rich. It has made me poor. I'm in poor health.  I've made poor decisions. You get the picture.  When I think about this lifestyle change as something that is making me rich  it takes on a whole other dimension that I hadn't previously considered.  I have successfully dieted numerous times. Only to gain it back within a year.  However, I always looked at my diet along the lines of something that was a punishment for my past eating mistakes. I am now dieting to be rich.

Speaking of being rich, somewhere I've always been wealthy is having supportive friends and family.  When I told you of my plan I got such an outpouring of love and support. Thank you so much for this.  It really did strengthen me for my journey.

And now on to the status of my journey. I have LOST  SEVEN POUNDS! ( I bolded this for those of you who want to skim)  My average blood sugar is still high (190) but it is going down from two weeks ago. My blood pressure is 117/76. (that's normal folks). I'm well on my way to Riches!

Praises: Improvement in weight, blood pressure and blood sugar, friends and family who support me, not feeling hungry or tempted (this is a miracle)

Concerns: Kidney infection, blood sugar still high, continued success

Some of you have asked me about my diet plan.  All I have done is eliminated butter, sugar, and flour from my diet.  Some products like ketchup, salad dressing etc. have traces of those products. If there is no alternative I will have some of those items but they are carefully measured and reduced to what I'd normally take.  I'm watching my overall carbohydrate intake and keeping it within the guidelines of my diabetic counseling. And so far it's working so I'm not going to mess with it.

Thank you for taking your time to think of me.  My friends and family are my greatest blessing and I would be lost without you.